Dr.-Ing. Gerald Krell

Dr.-Ing. Gerald Krell
Untersucht werden u.a. der Einsatz künstlicher neuronaler Netze für die Bildverarbeitung, die Bildcodierung sowie für die Datenfusion mit Anwendungen in der Medizin, der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion sowie in der Industrie.
Näheres dazu finden Sie in den Forschungsschwerpunkten:
- Affective State Detection
- Sensor Fusion in Human Machine Interaction Systems and in Medicine
- Image correction for image acquisition and reproduction systems and document processing
Large filter low-level processing by edge TPU
Krell, Gerald; Pionteck, Thilo
In: Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. Volume 4 - Setubal : Scitepress Digital Library ; Radeva, Petia . - 2024, S. 464-473 [Konferenz: 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Rome,Italy, February 27-29, 2024]
Specification of simulation models for NoCs in heterogeneous 3D SoCs
Joseph, Jan Moritz; Bamberg, Lennart; Krell, Gerald; Hajjar, Imad; Garcia-Oritz, Alberto; Pionteck, Thilo
In: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-Centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC): July 9th-11th, 2018, Lille, France - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, insges. 8 S.[Symposium: 13th International Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC), Lille, France, July 9th-11th, 2018]
Multimodal affect recognition in the context of human-computer interaction for companion-systems
Schwenker, Friedhelm; Böck, Ronald; Schels, Martin; Meudt, Sascha; Siegert, Ingo; Glodek, Michael; Kächele, Markus; Schmidt-Wack, Miriam; Thiam, Patrick; Wendemuth, Andreas; Krell, Gerald
In: Companion technology - Cham : Springer ; Biundo-Stephan, Susanne *1955-* . - 2017, S. 387-408
Multi-modal information processing in companion-systems - a ticket purchase system
Siegert, Ingo; Schüssel, Felix; Schmidt, Miriam; Reuter, Stephan; Meudt, Sascha; Layher, Georg; Krell, Gerald; Hörnle, Thilo; Handrich, Sebastian; Al-Hamadi, Ayoub; Dietmayer, Klaus; Neumann, Heiko; Palm, Günther; Schwenker, Friedhelm; Wendemuth, Andreas
In: Companion technology - Cham : Springer ; Biundo-Stephan, Susanne *1955-* . - 2017, S. 493-500
Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel
Assessment of iterative closest point registration accuracy for different phantom surfaces captured by an optical 3-D sensor in radiotherapy
Krell, Gerald; Nezhad, Nazila Saeid; Walke, Mathias; Hamadi, Ayoub; Gademann, Günther
In: Computational and mathematical methods in medicine - New York, NY [u.a.]: Hindawi, 2006, 2017, Art. 2938504, insgesamt 14 S.
Artikel in Kongressband
Faster convolutional architecture search for semantic segmentation
Durgesh, Rupesh; Krell, Gerald; Iegorov, Andrii; Schuberth, Peter; Friedmann, Felix
In: Workshop on Deep Learning for Autonomous Driving (DLAD 2017) : co-located with ITSC 2017 Yokohama, Japan, October 16 - 19, 2017 - Yokohama, Japan, insges. 20 S.
Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel
Fusion paradigms in cognitive technical systems for human-computer interaction
Glodek, Michael; Honold, Frank; Geier, T.; Krell, Gerald; Nothdurft, Florian; Reuter, Stephan; Schüssel, Felix; Hörnle, Thilo; Dietmayer, Klaus; Minker, Wolfgang; Biundo, Susanne; Weber, Michael; Palm, Günther; Schwenker, Friedhelm
In: Neurocomputing: an international journal - Amsterdam: Elsevier, Bd. 161.2015, S. 17-37
Fusion of fragmentary classifier decisions for affective state recognition
Krell, Gerald; Glodek, Michael; Panning, Axel; Siegert, Ingo; Michaelis, Bernd; Wendemuth, Andreas; Schwenker, Friedhelm
In: Multimodal pattern recognition of social signals in human-computer-interaction : first IAPR TC3 workshop, MPRSS 2012, Tsukuba, Japan, November 11, 2012 ; revised selected papers. - Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, S. 116-130, 2013 - (Lecture notes in computer science; 7742)Kongress: MPRSS; 1 (Tsukuba) : 2012.11.11
Using speaker group dependent modelling to improve fusion of fragmentary classifier decisions
Siegert, Ingo; Glodek, Michael; Panning, Axel; Krell, Gerald; Schwenker, Friedhelm; Al-Hamadi, Ayoub; Wendemuth, Andreas
In: Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics (CYBCONF 2013) : Lausanne, Switzerland, 13-15 June, 2013. - IEEE, S. 132-137Kongress: CYBCONF; (Lausanne, Switzerland) : 2013.06.13-15
Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel
Affine-invariant feature extraction for activity recognition
Sadek, Samy; Hamadi, Ayoub; Krell, Gerald; Michaelis, Bernd
In: ISRN machine vision - New York, NY: International Scholarly Research Network, 2012, 2013, Article ID 215195, insgesamt 7 S.
Multimodal affect recognition in spontaneous HCI environment
Panning, Axel; Siegert, Ingo; Al-Hamadi, Ayoub; Wendemuth, Andreas; Rösner, Dietmar; Frommer, Jörg; Krell, Gerald; Michaelis, Bernd
In: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC 2012) : Hong Kong, China, 12-15 August 2012 ; proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, insges. 6 S.Kongress: ICSPCC; (Hong Kong) : 2012.08.12-15
Sharpness improvement of warped document images for top view book scanners
Battrawy, Ramy; Schnitzlein, Markus; Nowack, Dietmar; Krell, Gerald; Al-Hamadi, Ayoub
In: The 8th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, S. 818-824, 2012Kongress: SITIS 2012; 8 (Sorrento, Italy) : 2012.11.25-29
Training von Netzen für die mehrkanalige Bildkorrektur
Krell, Gerald
In: 17. Workshop Farbbildverarbeitung 2011. - Konstanz, S. 41-50Kongress: Workshop Farbbildverarbeitung; 17 (Konstanz) : 2011.09.29-30
Originalartikel in begutachteter zeitschriftenartiger Reihe
Resolving data-association uncertainty in multi-object tracking through qualitative modules
Pathan, Saira Saleem; Hamadi, Ayoub; Krell, Gerald; Michaelis, Bernd
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications ; Vol. 2 - [Setúbal]: INSTICC, 2010; Vol. 2 . - 2010, S. 461-466Kongress: VISAPP (Angers, France : 2010.05.17-21)
Suppression of uncertainties at emotional transitions - facial mimics recognition in video with 3-d model
Krell, Gerald; Niese, Robert; Hamadi, Ayoub; Michaelis, Bernd
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications ; Vol. 2 - [Setúbal]: INSTICC, 2010; Vol. 2 . - 2010, S. 537-542Kongress: VISAPP (Angers, France : 2010.05.17-21)
Resolving data-association uncertainty in multi-object tracking through qualitative modules
Pathan, Saira Saleem; Hamadi, Ayoub; Krell, Gerald; Michaelis, Bernd
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications ; Vol. 1 - [Setúbal]: INSTICC, 2010; Vol. 1 . - 2010, S. 461-466Kongress: VISAPP (Angers, France : 2010.05.17-21)
Facial expression recognition with multi-channel deconvolution
Krell, Gerald; Niese, Robert; Michaelis, Bernd
In: 2009 Seventh International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE . - 2009, S. 413-416Kongress: ICAPR '09 7 (Kolkata : 2009.02.04-06)
Enhanching the visual quality in hybrid filters wavelet-based low bit-rate video codec
Al-Hamad, Mostafa; Al-Hamadi, Ayoub; Krell, Gerald; Michaelis, Bernd
In: Measurement of speech, audio and video quality in networks: confeence and on-line workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2007 ; proceedings / Jan Holub ... (ed.). Organized by Department of Measurement, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague ... - Prague . - 2007, insges. 7 S.Kongress: MESAQIN 2007 (Prague : 2007.06.07-08)
Artikel in Kongressband
Multi-error correction of image forming systems maintaining colors
Krell, Gerald; Al-Hamadi, Ayoub K.; Michaelis, Bernd
In: 7th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Operations Center . - 2007, insges. 6 S.Kongress: ISSPIT 7 (Cairo : 2007.12.15-18)
Gesture recognition for alphabets from hand motion trajectory using Hidden Markov models
Elmezain, Mahmoud; Al-Hamadi, Ayoub K.; Krell, Gerald; El-Etriby, Sherif; Michaelis, Bernd
In: 7th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Operations Center . - 2007, insges. 6 S.Kongress: ISSPIT 7 (Cairo : 2007.12.15-18)
Optical surface sensing and multimodal image fusion for position verification in radiotherapy
Riefenstahl, Nils; Krell, Gerald; Walke, Mathias; Michaelis, Bernd; Gademann, Günther
In: Proceedings - Los Alamitos, Calif. [u.a.]: IEEE Computer Society . - 2006, S. 21-26Kongress: International Conference on Medical Information Visualisation - BioMedical Visualisation (London : 2006.07.05-07)
Geometrical modeling and visualization of pre- and post- synaptic structures in double-labeled confocal images
Herzog, Andreas; Krell, Gerald; Michaelis, Bernd; Westerholz, S.; Helmeke, Carina; Braun, Anna Katharina
In: Proceedings - Los Alamitos, Calif. [u.a.]: IEEE Computer Society . - 2006, S. 34-38Kongress: International Conference on Medical Information Visualisation - BioMedical Visualisation (London : 2006.07.05-07)
Originalartikel in begutachteter internationaler Zeitschrift
Stereophotogrammetric real-time 3D machine vision
Tornow, Michael; Michaelis, Bernd; Kuhn, Robert W.; Kaszubiak, Jens; Krell, Gerald
In: Pattern recognition and image analysis - Moscow: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Publ., Bd. 16 (2006), 1, S. 100-104
Originalartikel in begutachteter zeitschriftenartiger Reihe
Detection of presynaptic terminals on dendritic spines in double labeling confocal images
Herzog, Andreas; Niese, Robert; Krell, Gerald; Michaelis, Bernd; Ovtscharoff, Wladimir; Braun, Anna Katharina
In: Proceedings/ International Conference on Pattern Recognition - Los Alamitos, Calif. [u.a.]: IEEE Computer Society, 2006 . - 2006, insges. 4 S.Kongress: International Conference on Pattern Recognition 18 (Hong Kong : 2006.08.20-24)
- Grundlagen der Technischen Informatik (Informationstechnik/Fahrzeuginformationstechnik) Praktikum ( Link zur LV im LSF )
- Grundlagen der Technischen Informatik (Informationstechnik/Fahrzeuginformationstechnik) Übung ( Link zur LV im LSF )
- Image Coding ( Link zur LV im LSF )
- Image Coding/Bilderfassung und -codierung ( Link zur LV im LSF )
- Non-Technical Project ( Link zur LV im LSF )